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Honda Accord Engine Not Starting

Have you ever had a car engine not start? If so, chances are that you were left with an uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty and stress. Luckily for Honda Accord owners, there is plenty of information available to troubleshoot an engine that refuses to start.

If your Honda Accord’s engine isn’t starting, it might be due to a dead battery. The battery could lack sufficient charge to power the starter motor, often resulting from factors like age, leaving lights on, or cold weather. Jump-starting the car can help determine if the battery is the issue. If the engine starts, then charging or replacing the battery might be necessary. Regular checks and timely battery replacement can help avoid such situations.

Faulty starter motors are another reason why a Honda Accord might not start. This component is crucial for cranking the engine, and if it fails, you’ll likely hear a clicking noise without the engine turning over. In such cases, replacing the starter motor is usually the solution. This task can be complex, so seeking professional help is often recommended for a proper and safe repair.

Car push start button

If you’re a Honda Accord owner and you’re having issues with your engine not starting, read on to see what you should do to fix the problem judging from its symptoms.

Honda Accord Engine Not Starting

Hand pushing car push to start

If you are a car owner and your Honda Accord engine is not starting, you may be facing some common issues that affect this type of sedan. 

The most often encountered ones are usually related to the following causes:

  • Depleted car battery
  • Key fob not working
  • Alternator issues
  • Blocked fuel filter
  • Blown fuse

These are only some of the issues that may affect your Honda Accord engine. We’ll look at how these problems can manifest and what to do when you encounter them in the following sections.

Honda Accord Not Starting in Cold Weather

Cold with snow ice on windshield

If you’re experiencing cold temperatures and your Honda Accord engine won’t start, the weather might be the cause of your problems. 

Extreme cold will directly affect the proper functioning of the battery, and this is the most common cause of engine issues in the winter.

This issue will affect older models in particular, as batteries become worn from constant use, significantly diminishing their output. Cold temperatures will put even more of a strain on the battery, preventing the car from starting.

Another common culprit behind Honda Accords not starting in cold weather is oil. Make sure to be aware of the manufacturer’s instructions because using a heavier oil than recommended will cause plenty of problems during the winter.

Your Honda Accord could also be affected by condensation in the fuel line. The condensation can freeze when the car is not in use and prevent the engine from turning over like it usually would.

To prevent issues with your Honda Accord not starting in cold weather, try and spend more time warming the car before starting the engine. You could turn on all the lights and slowly ease your battery to life before switching on the car.

Another tried and tested method to prevent battery issues during winter is to bring it inside overnight when the cold takes hold. You should always take plenty of care when carrying a battery, but this can help keep it in prime condition and ready to go.

If the battery has nothing left, you could try a jump start or a replacement if the issues are constant. 

Honda Accord Won’t Remote Start

Car key remote start white car

Remote start is a great feature made possible by the key fobs that come with the Honda Accord. The key fobs enable easy access to the car with only the push of a button to unlock it but can also be used to have the engine start.

If you are experiencing any issues with remote start, the most common culprit will be the battery in the key fob. If the fob doesn’t light up at all and gives no response, replace the battery and try to use it again. 

If remote start continues to not work in your Honda Accord, check the manual to see if there’s nothing else you need to do when using it. Some models require you to press the brake before remote start can be used, while some need the feature to be enabled. 

There’s also usually a time limit that affects remote start, and the engine will turn off and require user input before it can start again. If none of these solutions work, check with the dealership to see if there’s an underlying problem.

FCW System Failed Honda Accord Won’t Start

Key being inserted into ignition

The Honda Accord comes with a Forward Collision Warning that can help with detecting potential collision risks in the road ahead. The input for this feature comes from a camera that sends information to the system.

If you notice an FCW system failed alert when you get in your car, this may prevent your Honda Accord from starting because the system can’t load up this safety feature. The usual culprit behind issues with the FCW system is the camera malfunctioning.

Issues with the FCW camera frequently occur in extreme weather like high or low temperatures. Once the camera stops overheating or freezing, it will be able to correctly register input again. The alert should disappear, and the car should start as normal.

If you’ve had any battery issues and required a replacement, this could also confuse the FCW system. This should correct itself after a few minutes. Like with other issues, if the FCW continues to prevent the car from starting, visit the dealership or a mechanic.

Honda Accord Won’t Start Blinking Lights

Car dashboard indicator lights

If you notice that your Honda Accord won’t start and that this issue is accompanied by flickering lights, there could be several explanations. 

This is most likely caused by a faulty or misfiring alarm system. To solve an issue with the alarm system, you should reset its connection to the battery. After doing this, your car should start without triggering any other blinking lights. If the problem continues, you can investigate other options.

If flickering lights continue to be an issue, you should also check out the engine control unit. The fuse might be misfiring and making the lights react, so you can try resetting it. If it needs replacing, there are cheap solutions, and it’s easy to install.

Once you’ve finished with the fuse reset, remember to let the engine run for about ten minutes before you drive away. If none of these options fix the problem, you may be facing a short-circuited ignition switch.

These are issues that you can try to troubleshoot by yourself, but if the flickering lights continue to prevent your Honda Accord from starting, you should seek the services of a professional.

Honda Accord Starts But Won’t Stay Running

Car interior on a nature drive

You may experience an issue where your Honda Accord will start but will immediately stop running. There could be several reasons behind this problem. 

The most common issue is a fault with the ignition switch, but you could also be facing problems with the throttle. If either the throttle body or the sensor is at all faulty, they’ll prevent the smooth running of the car. 

Another issue that can cause this reaction in the car is a problem with the fuel filter, so make sure nothing is blocking it.

If you’re in doubt about what might be causing the issue, a trick you could employ is to start by checking the ignition switch and then making your way from there and checking all related parts. 

If your Honda Accord continues to not run properly, you should seek further assistance, but make sure to do a run-down of the most likely culprits beforehand.

Honda Accord Won’t Start Green Key Flashing

Female car driver using touchscreen navigation

As a Honda Accord owner, you may experience an issue where the car won’t start, and the only other symptom will be the green key symbol on the dashboard flashing. This green key is the security light on Honda vehicles.

A flashing green key symbol indicates that the car has had a fault with the programming and has become deprogrammed. If this has occurred, the usual solution is to check in with your local dealership to get your car reprogrammed. 

Reprogramming the car should clear the green key flashing, and your car should start as normal.

Honda Accord Won’t Start After Battery Change

Car battery being changed

Sometimes you’ll have issues with your battery that will require a replacement. You may notice that, right after a battery change, your Honda Accord won’t start. 

This can indicate that during the replacement, some connections haven’t been put back together correctly.

If you’d like to tackle the problem and attempt to fix it, you should check the battery connections. You can take it out and carefully place it back, making sure that you follow each step and that there are no loose or missed connections.

Once you’ve checked the battery cables, you should try to start your Honda Accord again. Your problems should have been solved, and the car should run properly.

Honda Accord Not Starting Clicking

Car key in ignition

If you try to start your Honda Accord and get no response other than a clicking sound, you should pop the hood and do a thorough check. You should see what the battery status is, first of all, because the battery is a likely cause behind many issues.

Another likely cause behind a clicking sound and the engine not starting is a problem with the starter motor. The starter motor initiates the firing of the engine, so if anything affects it, the engine won’t get to run.

The clicking can be a strong indication of a broken starter motor, especially if the battery seems in good condition. Once the starter motor malfunctions, it will require a replacement, as most temporary fixes won’t make it work enough to start the engine.

The clicking of the starter motor will occur if it is at the end of its run, so you should get that inspected as soon as possible and then get a replacement for it to prevent any other issues.

Honda Accord Won’t Start When Hot Outside

White car outside on a sunny day

Extreme temperatures will affect the running of most vehicles, and the Honda Accord is no exception. If you’re experiencing high temperatures in your area and your engine won’t start, the weather will most likely get the blame for it.

This can be a frequent issue in warm climates, especially if you have to leave your car outside in the heat for long periods. The heat can affect various metal parts of the car, as they can expand and cause issues with other elements.

This issue can block connections between different parts of the car, which will prevent the engine from starting. The main relay, in particular, can be significantly affected by high temperatures that might require a total replacement. 

If possible, you should try to avoid leaving your car in direct heat as much as possible to ensure that you won’t have as many issues related to it and to keep your car in good working order.

Honda Accord Push Button Start Not Working 

Car push start button

One of the main draws to the Honda Accord is the key fob you use to access it. This fob allows you to unlock the car and start the engine with only the push of a button, or a sequence of buttons, respectively.

You may encounter issues with the push button start not working on your Honda Accord. These issues are usually the fault of an empty battery in the fob, but other things might trigger it too, like a loose shift cable.

If your push button start isn’t working even with a fresh fob battery, you may be looking at more profound issues with the car. You should check your engine and your car battery to eliminate the possibility of anything being wrong with them.

If the problem continues, you can also go to a car service shop and have your charging system checked for free. Once you’ve investigated all these options, you should have a working push button start at the end of the journey.

Honda Accord Won’t Start But Has Power

Car dashboard check engine light

If your Honda Accord doesn’t start even if it has power, you may be looking at a few different causes behind this issue. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • The serpentine belt: Most Accord models will have this belt, and it can experience significant wear through the years and cause issues with connections.
  • The main relay: This part is usually resilient, but if it starts breaking down, it can directly impact the running of the car.
  • The spark plug: You should make sure that the spark plug is working correctly in igniting the engine.
  • The fuel filter: You should check if the fuel is correctly feeding your car. A blocked fuel filter can cause a lot of issues and prevent your car from starting.
  • Loose cables: Check your engine and the surrounding area. Sometimes cables can get loose around the car battery and the starter motor.

Honda Accord Won’t Start Beeps

Female car driver covering both her ears with her hands

If you hear any beeping noises while your Honda Accord refuses to start, you may be experiencing an issue with some of the car’s sensors or with crossed wires or electrical connections failing. 

You should check your ignition for any issues with cables and check your car’s alarms to make sure no system is misfiring. If there are no lights or alerts to indicate where the issue might be coming from, you will have to do a thorough examination to see what’s happening.

The starter solenoid engages the starter motor, and if it misfires, it can prevent the running of the engine. The car will then identify a problem without knowing its likely source, which can send alarms misfiring.

As usual, you should also check your battery and get it load tested, just to eliminate the possibility. Battery issues tend to be behind most issues related to cars not starting.

Beeping noises could also be related to an issue with the starter relay coil. If you’re continuing to experience this problem with no apparent causes, you should have your entire starter motor checked out, and you may have to replace it.

Honda Accord Won’t Start But Turns Over

Stressed female car driver

If you’re noticing that your Honda Accord engine will crank, but without engaging to start the car, you will have to consider several causes. 

The main one could be related to the battery or the battery fuse. You should also check your timing belt to make sure it hasn’t jumped.

You should ensure that the spark plug and the fuel filter are working correctly and that wires haven’t broken or fallen loose. The lack of a start would likely indicate a misfiring or misconnection in the running of the car that could have an easy solution.

Copyright protected article by Know My Auto and was first published on Jun 5, 2021. .

The alternator should also be examined for any potential issues, as should the ignition module. Some parts may need to be replaced, but you may also be able to fix the problem yourself without much effort if you check every option.

Honda Accord Won’t Jump Start

Car battery with jumper cables on it

You may find yourself in the position of needing to jump-start a car due to battery issues. 

If the car refuses to jump-start, you may be facing an entirely dead battery that needs to be replaced immediately.

This issue might also hint at deeper underlying issues with the car. If your Honda Accord doesn’t jump-start, you should consider the possibility that it could be your starter motor, especially if you hear a clicking sound while trying to jump-start.

Other elements that may cause this problem are the alternator, the ignition switch, and the safety switch, but in most cases, issues while jump-starting will be solved by getting a new battery.

The copyright owner of this article is and was first published on Jun 5, 2021..

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KnowMyAuto is the sole owner of this article was published on Jun 5, 2021 and last updated on .